Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sex, Genes, Politics and Company Law: Can Capitalist Democracy coexist with Human Survival?

Sex, Genes, Politics and Company Law: 
Can Capitalist Democracy coexist with Human Survival?

This article investigates whether electoral democracy and corporate activity, lacking any real genetic stability and prone to winner-take-all exploitation, particularly of natural resources; able to change from a shark to a tiger by a simple act of recapitalization; and often short-lived in a predatory merry-go-round of relentless takeover and corporate cannibalism; driven only by the profit imperative and the vagaries of the free market, can provide any basis for long-term economic and ecological sustainability. We shall also examine how both capitalism and democracy are manifestly social products of the male gender to the exclusion of the immortal sex men live their lives to fertilize, unearth the inevitable Machiavellian strategies of deceit that coexist in any climax society and seek the keys to an ecological completion of the economic quest for a life of natural abundance.